
Larry C. Johnson: "Osama's ability to plan and conduct terrorist operations is extremely limited"

Interesting transcript of an interview with Larry C. Johnson on PBS some years ago.
I can't find the date of this interview, but it appears to be pre-9/11, even pre-USSCole attack. The World Trade Center "bombing" (apparently the first one, in 1992) is discussed in passing, but the main focus seems to be on the Nairobi embassy bombing.

Here's a quote from Johnson in which he appears to be downplaying the threat posed by Osama:

So, we recognize that [Osama's] the threat. He's serious about wanting to kill Americans, but as long as he's in Afghanistan, as long as he doesn't have access to a cell phone, as long as he can't just hop on a plane and travel wherever he wants without fear of being arrested, his ability to plan and conduct terrorist operations is extremely limited.
Shades of the "containment policy" leftists advocated for containing Saddam

'Terrorist Expert' Larry Johnson's Frontline Interview About Bin Ladin (2000)
