
Ex-VP of CBS spoke out: Open Letter to Americans

Blaring from network and cable TV: ?Democrats forced the Senate to put off a final vote this week on John R. Bolton?s nomination to be U.N. ambassador, the latest setback for the tough-talking nominee President Bush has called "strong medicine for corruption and inefficiency at the United Nations.?
This was done by another filibuster that might delay the vote until June, thus shattering the myth that the two parties had joined together in a bond of trust that would end the obstruction that has kept Bush appointees from getting an up and down vote.
When is Bill Frist, the Senate Majority Leader and his fellow conservatives going to learn that the Democrats are no longer the party represented by Zell Miller? Remember that former President Ronald Reagan started off as not only a Democrat but also as the president of a labor union. He became a Republican because he believed his party had moved to the left, away from his personal and business philosophy. If President Reagan were alive today, he would be shocked to see how much more to the left the Democrat party has gone since he left office. He might even think of it as having become the new Socialist Party.
The Democrats are now street-smart and PR savvy. They know how easy it is to con many Republicans who still believe in one?s word of honor. They know how to create polls that will shape public opinion, and how to make a majority of Congress bow to the rule of the minority.
Not only has the Senate minority been able to limit the federal judge appointees to just three out of seven or more, they were even able to deceive Senator John McCain and his fellow moderate Republicans that they would end their use of the filibuster to delay, thus creating a new era of peace and trust.
The future Supreme Court, under President Bush, will have Congress decide whether it will be a Constitutional or a Legislative Court.
If the latter, our nation will become a secular and socialist nation; if the former, we will return to a country and culture envisioned by our founding fathers.
This will also depend on the makeup of our Congress in 2006 and the will of the American people. The anti-American culture and pro-socialist movement set in motion by Antonio Gramsci, the great Italian Socialist in the late 30s?, is now in full swing in America, having been allowed to slowly grow in power and influence over the past decades. Gramsci?s theory was that this would be the only way to take over America?his vision is now coming to fruition.
Our grandchildren will live in the country that we will leave them. And that country will be shaped by the next formation of the Supreme Court, whether it will be constitutional or legislative.
Do Americans have the courage to demand that their members of Congress vote for Constitutional judges, to put America?s interests above political ambition and to end the obstructionist tactics that are not letting our government solve the many problems that threaten our economy and security?
Do Americans also have the will to vote into Congress in 2006 those members who will put our nation?s culture and heritage above the desires of the secularists and socialists?
Only the near future will decide this. We now say to the American voters -in the words of the tennis buffs --- ?The ball is now in YOUR court!?
About the Writer: Lee Ellis is a retired journalist and a former vice president of both CBS and Gannet. He resides in Indio, California, where he write op-eds that appear in several local newspapers. Lee receives e-mail at .
